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Trail: No Name Trail #1847 a.k.a. Jess Weaver Trail #2068
Region: Glenwood Canyon
Difficulty: moderate
Description: Because No Name Trail is within the area supplying Glenwood Springs with municipal water there is no camping allowed along the first five miles of the trail. We also ask hikers to be careful not to contaminate the public water supply. Most of the trail is rocky with grades of 15-20 %. There are a number of good camping sites along the upper reaches of the trail. Water is available along the entire trail route. There are a number of good views of the valley. The trail primarily follows No Name Creek and the hillsides along the creek. The first 1.5 miles has a fairly gentle grade. The trail then leaves the creek with a number of switchbacks and continues along the hillside for another 1.5 miles before again crossing No Name Creek. The trail then splits into East No Name and No Name Trails.
Directions: From Glenwood Springs, travel east on I-70 to No Name exit. Turn left and continue for approximately 1 mile to parking area and trailhead.
Map: Glenwood Springs


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THE FOREST CONSERVANCY • 1012 Brookie Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623 • 970-963-8071

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