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Smokey Bear educates the public about preventing forest fires.
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Trail: Rocky Fork #1931
Region: Frying Pan River Valley
Difficulty: moderate
Description: NON-WILDERNESS. This trail is fairly steep for the first half mile, then levels off to a gradual climb until it connects with Road #528. Fishing is fair in the stream for Brook Trout.
Directions: From Carbondale travel east on Hwy 82 to Basalt. Turn left at the stoplight and travel 13 miles up the Fryingpan River Road. Take a right at the anglers access road below the Ruedi Dam, cross the river and follow the road to the left until it dead ends
Map: Ruedi


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THE FOREST CONSERVANCY • 1012 Brookie Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623 • 970-963-8071

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