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Trail: Savage Lakes #1918
Region: Frying Pan River Valley
Difficulty: difficult
Description: This short, but steep trail is in good condition. It should be noted, however, that numerous snow drifts can be expected on the trail throughout the month of June. Fishing is good for Brook and Lake Trout. Even though the trail starts out as being rather steep, the trail soon becomes one of our more moderate hikes in the area. Along one section of a rocky outcropping is a favorite spot for marmots. To visit the upper lakes, stay on the left hand side of the lake for a simple climb to the upper lakes.
Directions: From Carbondale travel east on Hwy 82 to Basalt. Turn left at the light and head east on the Fryingpan River Road for 27 miles. Approximately 3 miles past Meredith, turn left onto road #501. About one mile past Elk Wallow Campground take the left fork for approximately 3.25 miles to the trailhead (.2 of a mile before the dead end).
Map: USGS Nast


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