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Trail: Ruedi (Overlook) #1912
Region: Frying Pan River Valley
Difficulty: moderate
Description: The trailhead is located 200 feet north of the powerline jeep trail. For the first 2 miles this trail is very steep and cuts across the powerline. Upon reaching the summit of redhill, follow the jeep trail north about 1/4 mile. The jeep trail begins descending the hill here and the trail continues uphill. No more intersections are found until the top of Red Table Mountain. This trail affords the hiker/biker some spectacular views of the Fryingpan Valley and the Hunter/Fryingpan Wilderness. The view on top is a spectacular 360 degree view. For mountain bikes, it is a good route for a loop ride from Cattle Creek or Mt. Thomas Trail from Crooked Creek Pass.
Directions: From Carbondale, drive east on Hwy 82 to Basalt. At Basalt, turn left at the stoplight and follow the Fryingpan River road to the Ruedi boat dock and campground road. The trailhead is located across the highway and up the road 200 feet from the boat dock/campground entryway. Vehicles may be parked at the boat dock parking area.
Map: USGS Ruedi, Red Creek


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