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Smokey Bear educates the public about preventing forest fires.
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Trail: Grottos Day Use Area #2180
Region: Independence Pass area
Difficulty: easy
Description: The Grottos Trail divides into three distinct areas which begin at the Grottos Map on the west side of the parking lot: 1. The shortest trail, about 30 yards, crosses the bridge to your left and travels in the woods near the river over a smooth gravel path to a magnificent waterfall and picnic area containing large boulders. This trail is wheelchair accessible. 2. A slightly longer trail to the ice caves is accessed by crossing the bridge on the right and following the rocky path where a trail sign indicates the ice caves to the left. The trail continues through the woods to a series of large boulders on the left. The ice caves are behind the boulders. 3. The longest trail, Old Stage Road, is accessed by crossing the bridge on the right and continuing to follow a path for ½ mile until it reaches the banks of Lincoln Creek.
Directions: Drive 9 miles east of Aspen on Hwy 82 and continue .9 miles past Weller Campground to a trailhead on the right, turn and drive about 200 feet to the parking area.
Map: USGS New York Peak


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