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Trail: Capitol Creek #1961
Region: Old Snowmass area
Difficulty: strenuous
Description: The trail descends steeply, losing 600 feet in elevation in the first 1/2 mile. The trail crosses Capitol Creek and bears to the right, paralleling the creek most of the way up the drainage. A sign marks the West Snowmass Trail on the left at about 4 miles. At the 6 mile point the trail switchbacks to a double log crossing. In another 1/2 mile, the trail crosses the stream again. In the fir stands on the right, 1/3 mile from this crossing, are popular dispersed sites. Stove sites can be found on the knolls to the right about 50 yards before the Mt. Daly Trail. Camping is not allowed in the meadows or within 200 feet of Capitol Lake. Camping near the lake must be in designated sites, if sites are full you must camp no less than 1/4 mile down valley from the sites. Continue on the trail to Capitol Lake. To reach the pass and Avalanche Creek Trail, follow the trail along the west side of the lake.
Directions: Drive 14 miles west of Aspen on Highway 82 to Old Snowmass and turn left onto Snowmass Creek Road next to the Conoco gass station. Continue 2 miles to the "T" intersection. Take the right turn and continue 5 miles until the pavement ends. Follow the dirt road about 3 miles to the trailhead. The last 2 miles are on a 4WD road. If you don't have 4WD, park in the BLM meadow on the right approximately 2 1/4 miles below the trailhead.
Map: USGS Capitol Peak


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