Description: From the parking area the trail crosses Lincoln Creek. This crossing is very wide and can be tricky
during high spring runoffs. The trail ascends gradually and then more steeply following an old jeep road for 1 mile
before merging with the old aqueduct road. Follow the old aqueduct road to the right for 1/2 of a mile. In a little
over 1/4 of a mile, the trail crosses the Brooklyn Gulch Creek Diversion. Stay on the aqueduct road which makes
an immediate S curve and then straightens. A few minutes farther the New York Creek Diversion can be seen. A
few steps before this diversion, the New York Trail enters the woods on the left where a sign is posted. If you
miss the trail turnoff and come to the end of the road, retrace your steps and the trail will be about 50 yards back
on the right. Once in the woods the trail parallels New York Creek for 3/4 of a mile ascending through spruce
forests before crossing New York Creek and emerging into a meadow. The trail then ascends more steeply
through alternating evergreen forests and open meadows for another 1-1/2 miles to the upper meadows above
treeline. Marking the trail for the last mile before the pass are cairns and wooden posts. This portion of the hike is
very steep and extreme caution is required to avoid damaging the fragile alpine tundra.
Directions: From Aspen, drive 10 miles east on Hwy 82 to Lincoln Creek Road and turn right. Drive 3.1 miles to New York Creek Trail turnoff on the right. (High clearance is a must - 4WD is not necessary.)