Description: The trail follows Grizzly Creek and ascends steeply for the first 1/2 of a mile
through a series of switchbacks. The next 1 1/2 miles are a gradual ascent through alternating
pine and fir forests and wildflower meadows. A stream crossing beyond the last meadow can
easily be negotiated except during spring runoff. For the next 1 1/2 miles, the trail ascends a
steep rocky shelf then winds through alpine tundra toward a long hillside traverse which ends on a
knoll hiding Grizzly Lake just ahead.
Directions: From Aspen, drive 11 miles east on Hwy 82 to Lincoln Creek Road and turn right. Continue 6.1 miles to Grizzly Reservoir. The trailhead is on the left past reservoir, but before the Portal Campground. High clearance vehicle is recommended (4WD not neces