Description: The trail climbs for 3/4 of a mile through an aspen forest before it enters the Maroon-Snowmass
Wilderness, then begins a steeper ascent, following Pine Creek cascading through the canyon just off the trail. It levels briefly at the top of the canyon then begins another ascent through spruce forests and rockslides, dead-ending
at a series of short, very steep switchbacks. The lake is 15 minutes from the top of the switchbacks. The trail will fork several times. Take the left forks to the lake (the right ones go to Electric Pass) and the trail crosses Pine Creek on a new bridge. The lake lies just beyond the meadow on the other side of the creek. For Electric Pass, go right at the fork. This is the halfway point from the trailhead to Electric Pass. The trail climbs a ridge and comes to another intersection, stay right. Here it wanders through meadows of wildflowers above treeline. While in the meadows the trail turns right and climbs through a series of switchbacks to the ridge on the right. From the saddle at the top of the ridge, the trail climbs the ridge on the left to a scree field. Continue across the scree field with caution. The pass is at the end of the field. For the most spectacular views of the Elk Mountain Range, turn right at the pass and begin a 5 minute ascent of the adjacent peak.
Directions: From roundabout, go up Castle Creek Road 12.2 miles and turn right ~1 mile past Ashcroft onto gravel road. Drive .5 mile to trailhead parking area.