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Smokey Bear educates the public about preventing forest fires.
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Trail: Lincoln Creek Road #106
Region: Independence Pass area
Difficulty: moderate
Description: The road crosses a bridge and heads downhill past Lincoln Gulch campground. The road rolls up and down with some steep uphills that level out on top. The road follows Lincoln Creek with an uphill/downhill pattern to Grizzly Reservoir at the 6 mile mark. To continue to the ghost town of Ruby stay on the main road which curves to the southeast of the reservoir and past Portal Campground. The road climbs easily to the ruins of an old mining cabin at the 9 mile mark. The road forks in another 1/2 mile-- take the left fork (the right fork leads to the Petroleum and Anderson Lakes trailhead). The ghost town of Ruby is a short distance before the road ends.
Directions: Access to Lincoln Creek Road is located 11 miles southeast of Aspen on the right side of Highway 82.
Map: Independence Pass, New York Peak


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THE FOREST CONSERVANCY • 1012 Brookie Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623 • 970-963-8071

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